Latest and Important PP MCQs Part 3

Asslamu Alikum friends’ Here I’m sharing PARC, NARC-Jobs, Agriculture Plant Pathology MCQs for Written Test-2024 for the Post of Scientific Officer and Assistant Scientific Officer Part-III

1. Simple interest disease over time produces

a) Hyperbolic curve b) Saturation curve c) sigmoid curve d) straight line

2. Plant pathogenic bacteria are
a) Phototrophs b) Heterotrophs c) Autotrophs d) Chemotrops

3. Puccinia graminis tritici produces aeciospores on
a) Wheat plants b) Brinjal plants c) Barberry plants d) a&c

4. Flagellar arrangement in Erwinia is

a) monotrichous b) amphitrichous c) lophotrichous d) peritrichous

5. Viroid- a new infectious agent causing potato spindle tuber disease was first reported by
a) Doi et al b) Diener  c) Stanley d) Kassinis

6. Sexual spore produced by fungi causing downy mildew diseases

a) Zygospore b) Teliospore c) Oospore d) Zoospore

7. Wilt disease of banana caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is called as
a) Panama wilt of banana b) Slow decline of banana c) Moko disease of banana d) Sigatoka disease

8. Bursting of Pseudostem in banana is observed in plants suffering from
a) Bunchy top b) Panama wilt c) Root-knot nematode disease d) Banana streak virus

9. Downy mildew is caused by the member of the family
a) pythiaceae b) albuginaceae c) perenpsporaceae d) albuginaceae

10. Nylon netting of Tomato nursery is practiced for the management of
a) Bacterial wilt b) Early blight c) Leaf curl d) Late blight

11. Hartig nets are found in
a) ectomycorrhiza b) endomycorrhiza c) oomycetous fungi d) ascomycetous fungi

12. Agrobacterium tumefaciens causes
a) Root-knot disease b) Pre emergence damping off of seedlings plants c) Post emergence damping off of seedlings d) Galls and tumours

13. A computer software system developed for field sampling of diseased specimens
a) Tom cast b) Field Runner c) Area gram d) Blitecast
14. A computerized disease forecasting system for the occurrence of late blight of potato
a) Blitecast b) Disease.Pro. c) Tom cast d) Simmcast

15. Cleistothecia with single ascus and mycelial type appendages is common in genus
a) Erysiphe b) Podosphera c) Sphaerotheca d) Levilulla

16. Blotter test is commonly followed for the detection of
a) Seed borne viruses b) Seed borne bacteria c) Seed borne fungi d) Seed borne

17. The alternate host for Hemilia vastatrix is
a) Barbery vulgaris b) Oxalis corniculata c) Solanum melongena d) Not known

18. Most widely used bio control agent is
a) Pseudomonas fluorescence b) Pseudomonas putida c) Bacillus subtilis d) Clostridium

19. Groundnut bud necrosis virus is transmitted through
a) Thrips b) Aphids c) Leaf hoppers d) Whitefly

20. Most widely used fungicide for smut fungi
a) Vitavax b) Plantvax c) Dithane M-45 d) Dithane Z-78

21. The sexual spores produced by fungi belonging to Deuteromycotina are
a) Ascospores b) Oospores c) No sexual spores are produced d) Zygospores

22. MLO’s are sensitive to
a) Penicillin b) Tetracycline c) Streptocycline d) Bavistin

23. An example of bioagent is
a) Trichoderma viridae b) Phtyophthora parasitica c) Ralstonia solanacearum d) Pseudomonas putida

24. Tundu disease of Wheat is caused by
a) Anguina tritici b) Corynebacterium tritici c) Both a & b d) None of these

25. Outbreak of a disease over a large plant population is known as
a) Sporadic b) Endemic c) Epidemic d) Pandemic

26. Black stem rust of wheat is caused by
a) Puccinia recondita b) Puccinia graminis tritici c) Puccinia striiformis d) Puccinia hordei

27. Peach leaf curl is caused by
a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Fungus d) Viroid

28. Non-motile spores of fungus are called
a) Zoospores b) Aplanospores c) Zygospores d) Chlamydospores

29. Teliospore is a
a) Sexual b) Asexual c) Vegetative d) Chlamydospore

30. Grain smut of Sorghum is caused by
a) Sphacelotheca sorghi b) Sphacelotheca cruenta c) Sphacelotheca reiliana d) Tolyposporium ehrenbergii

31. TMV is transmitted through
a) Cigarette b) Insect c) Fungi d) Nematode

32. Coconut cadang-cadang disease is caused by
a) Virus b) Nematode c) Viroid d) Phytoplasma

33. Species that possess two motile stages with a resting stage between are described as:
a) Dimorphic b) Dikaryotic c) Divaricate d) Diplanetic

34. The most important soil borne disease in nursery is
a) Leaf spot b) Damping off c) Blight d) Anthracnose

35. Tomato leaf curl disease is transmitted by
a) Thrips b) Whitefly c) Aphids d) leaf hoppers

36. Matured virus particle is called
a) Viroid b) Virion c) Prion d) Adult virus

37. A rust fungus that completes its entire lifecycle on single host is called as
a) Heteroecious b) Autoecious c) Brachy type d) Endo type

38. Mutualistic association of fungus with plant parts is
a) Mycotoxicoses b) Mycorrhiza c) Lichens d) Commensal

39. A phialospore is a type of
a) Sporangiospore b) Blastic conidium c) Thallic conidium d) Sexual spore

40. The loss of turgidity and drooping of leaves or shoots caused by fungi and bacteria
a) Wilt b) Die-back c) Decline d) Root rot

41. Puccinia graminis tritici infects
a) Wheat and Oats b) Oats and barley c) Barbery and Wheat d) Wheat and oxalis sp

42. Chemical that halts the progress of a fungus is known as
a) Fungicide b) Antibiotic c) Fungistat d) Toxin

43. Perithecium is a sexual fruiting body produced by
a) Albugo candida b) Pythium butleri c) Rhizopus nigricans d) Erysiphe polygoni

44. Exogenous spores are-
a) conidiospore b) sporangiospore c) zoospore d) oospore

45. Rhodamine B is used to detect viruses in
a) Microprecipitation test b) Ring interface test c) ELISA d) Fluorescent antibody technique

46. Late blight of potato is the best example for
a) Endemic disease b) Epidemic disease c) Epiphytotic disease d) Pandemic disease

47. The sequence of fixing components in the well in ELISA are
a) Antigen-antibody –conjugate b) Antibody-conjugate-antigen c) Antibody- conjugate-antigen d) Antibody-antigen conjugate

48. Which of the facts related to Hemilia vastatrix is incorrect?
a) The fungus seldom invades the cuticle directly b) The uredospores are borne on club shaped stalks c) The lesion is surrounded by a halo d) Coffea robusta is partially resistant

49. Fungi capable of alternating between a mycelial growth form and a yeast phase are
described as:
a) Dikaryotic b) diplanetic c) dimorphic d) divaricate

50. Which of the following statement is not correct?
a) Phaseolotoxin is produced by Pseudomonas syringe pv.phaseolicola b) Tentoxin is produced by Alternaria alternata c) Victorin is produced by Cochliobolus victoriae d) Tabtoxin is produced by Alternaria helianthi

Latest and Important PP MCQs Part 3

51. Erysiphe causes the disease
a) powdery mildews b) downy mildews c) covered smut d) late blight of potato

52. The induced structural defences is
a) Cytoplasmic defence reaction b) Hypersensitive reaction c) Phytoalexins d) Phenolic compounds

53. The coprophilic fungi inhabit
a) dung substratum b) dead wood c) decaying leaves d) food articles

54. Which forecasting is best for the late blight of potato?
a) Forecasting system based on inoculum load b) Forecasting system based on weather conditions c) Forecasting system based on cropping systems d) Forecasting system based on area under susceptible crop

55. The mycologist involved with late blight of potato is
a) Millardet b) Marshal Ward c) Anton de Bary d) Prevost

56. The fungus involved with foot rot of pepper is
a) Phytophthora parasitica b) Phytophthora palmivora c) Phytophthora capsici d) Phytophthora infestans

57. The genus of powdery mildew pathogen that produces both external and internal mycelium is
a) Leveillula b) Microsphaera c) Podosphaera d) Phyllactinia

58. The fungal genus that causes anthracnose diseases in crops is
a) Glomerella b) Elsinoe c) Colletotrichum d) All the above

59. Mycotrophy is the symbiosis of a fungus with
a) bacteria b) algae c) bryophytes d) other fungi

60. The primary source of infection for black rot of cabbage is
a) Seed b) Air c) Soil d) Water

61. The sexual fruiting bodies produced by fungi are
a) Perithecium b) Pycnidium c) Both d) None

62. Plasmopora viticola grows best on
a) Potato dextrose broth b) MS medium c) Czapecks dox agar d) None of these media

63. The quarantine act passed by India is
a) Destructive insect and pest act 1914 b) Destructive insect and pest and disease act 1914 c) Pest and disease act 1914 d) Destructive insect and disease act 1914

64. Citrus greening is transmitted by
a) Toxoptera citricidus b) Hishimonas physitis c) Scirtothrips dorsalis d) Myzus persicae

65. Father of modern Plant Pathology
a) Millardet b) E.J.Butler c) Anton de Bary d) A.H.Buller

66. Germ theory was originated from the works of
a) Antony van Leeuvenhoek b) Louis Pasteur c) Theophrastus d) Robert Koch

67. The first person to transmit virus infection from infected to healthy plant is
a) Mayer b) Iwanowski c) Beijerinck d) E.F.Smith

68. The process of self-fertilization in fungi is known as
a) automixis b) amphimixis c) spermatization d) somatogamy

69. The chemical reaction involved in Bordeaux mixture is
a) Cuso4 + Ca (OH)2 = Cu (OH)2 + CaSo4 b) Cuso4 + CaO2 = CuO2 + CaSo4 c) Cuso4 + Ca (OH)2 = CuO + CaSo4 + H2O d) Cuso4 + Ca (OH)2 = Cu (OH)2 + CaSo4

70. Bordeaux mixture 0.5% is prepared by mixing copper sulphate and lime water in the proportion
a) 1.5:1.5:50 b) 0.5:0.5:50 c) 1:1:50 d) 0.25:0.25: 50

71. Blast disease of Rice was first recorded in
a) Japan b) China c) Philippines d) India

72. The conidial shape of Pyricularia oryzae is
a) Muricate b) Obclavate c) Pyriform d) Clavate

73. The fungus that invades the host through stomata is
a) Pyricularia oryzae b) Colletotrichum falcatum c) Erysiphe polygoni d) Puccinia recondita

74. Which of the following statement is not correct in respect of Sphacelotheca sorghi
a) Entire head is smutted b) Spores are viable for more than ten years c) Spores are externally seed borne d) Most destructive of all the smuts recorded on Sorghum

75. Green ear is the characteristic symptom produced by
a) Pseudoperonospora cubens b) Plasmopora viticola c) Sclerospora graminicola d) Claviceps purpurea

76. The sclerotial bodies of Claviceps microcephala upon germination produce the following spores and fruiting bodies
a) Conidia in pycnidium b) Ascospores in apothecia c) Ascospores in perithecia d) Conidia in acervulus

77. Seed treatment with a fungicide is not useful against
a) Head smut of Sorghum b) Smut of Ragi c) Loose smut of Wheat d) Grain smut of Sorghum

78. Which fact with reference to Cercospora arachidicola is not true?
a) Conidia shorter than Cercospora personata b) Conidia longer than Cercospora personata c) Spots are irregular in shape d) Spots are surrounded by a yellow halo

79. Which of the following statement with reference to Phytophthora spp. is incorrect?
a) P.palmivora causes bud rot in coconut b) P.capsici causes fruit rot in areca c) P.arecae causes nut rot in areca d) P.palmivora causes leaf fall and fruit rot in mandarin

80. Elsinoe ampelina causes anthracnose in
a) Citrus b) Mango c) Strawberry d) Grapes

81. Pick a copper-based fungicide
a) Phytolan b) Parasan c) Roundup d) Difolatan

82. Diplanetism is exhibited by
a) Phytophthora b) Saprolegnia c) Mucor d) Albugo

83. Point out the non-systemic fungicide
a) Carboxin b) Penarimol c) Carbendazim d) Ziram

84. Which is the most effective soil drenching fungicide?
a) Carbendazim b) Thiram c) Mancozeb d) Chlorothalonil

85. The trade name of the fungicide Triademefon is
a) Baytan b) Bayleton c) Beam d) Baycor

86. The trade name for Oxycarboxin is
a) Vitavax b) Plantvax c) Topsin d) Ridomil

87. The mycelium of Oomycetes fungi is
a) Coenocytic b) Septate c) Haploid d) Dikaryotic

88. Repeating spores of rust fungi is
a) Teliospore b) Basidiospore c) Aeciospore d) Urediospore

89. Secondary mycelium of Basidiomycotina is
a) Dikaryotic b) Diploid c) Tetraploid d) Haploid

90. Macrophomina phaseolina belongs to the order
a) Sphaeropsidales b) Melanconiales c) Moniliales d) Peronosporales

91. Late blight of potato caused famine in Ireland in year
a) 1845 b) 1857 c) 1872 d) 1945

92. Frog eye spot of tobacco is a serious disease caused by
a) Cercospora moricola b) C.nigricans c) C.lycopersicum d) C.nicotianae

93. The perfect stage of Helminthosporium oryzae is
a) Drechslera sacchari b) D.oryzae c) D.hawaiensis d) D.halodes

94. Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri has been suggested to be originated from
a) China and Pakistan b) Japan and China c) Java and India d) America and Guatemala

95. Viroids are devoid of
a) Protein coat b) Ribosomes c) Cell wall d) Cell membrane

96. Leaf curl of tomato is a geminivirus whose nucleic acid is made up of
a) RNA b) DNA c) RNA and DNA d) ss RNA

97. Contagium vivum fluidum theory was proposed by
a) Iwanowski b) Beijerinck c) Mayer d) Hashimoto

98. Papaya ring spot virus is a non-persistent virus transmitted by
a) Toxoptera citricidus b) Myzus persicae c) Bemisia tabaci d) Cuscuta reflexa

99. Of the 25-virus disease recorded in India on Potato, the most destructive one is
a) Leaf roll b) Rugose mosaic c) PV-X d) PV-Y

100. Yellow mosaic of Bhendi and mosaic disease of Cassava are transmitted by
a) Aphis craccivora b) Bemisia tabaci c) Myzus persicae d) Toxoptera aurantii

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